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A Vision for Revitalizing Existing Congregations


The revitalization of local congregations is never done for its own sake. Revitalization is driven by a vision of the expanding reign of God calling congregations to follow Jesus in mission to a lost and broken world so loved by God.


As a result of the RCA’s efforts to revitalize we see:

  • Lives being transformed by the love of Jesus Christ as the lost are found, the hungry are fed, the broken are made whole, hurts are healed, and hope overcomes despair.

  • Neighborhoods, villages, towns, and cities becoming healthier, more just, and more gracious for all people as they experience God’s expanding realm of grace, mercy, love, and justice.


These congregations will be led by pastoral and congregational leaders who:

  • Are becomingly increasingly clear about who God is shaping them to be and what God is calling them to do.

  • Engage in lifelong spiritual formation and transformational learning.

  • Immerse their lives, leadership, and congregational ministry in prayer.

  • Love God, follow Jesus, and open themselves to the Holy Spirit’s ministry in them and through them.

  • Multiply ministry—disciples who make new disciples, leaders who develop new leaders, and congregations committed to new ministries, new sites, and new congregations.

  • Lead their congregations to become mission-minded and inviting, authentic and healing, gracious and just, growing and multiplying, and in touch with their communities and alert to what God is doing around them.

  • Live obediently, serve gladly, and risk freely.

Randy Wieland

Team Leader

Susan Hetrick

Assistant Leader

Ted Vandenberg

Team Member

Gary Jarvis

Team Member

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